I didn't know there was a new Tiffany. I thought he'd wrapped up the series with I Shall Wear Midnight…
I didn't know there was a new Tiffany. I thought he'd wrapped up the series with I Shall Wear Midnight…
Its impossible to choose. Especially right now. But for many years I said it was Night Watch.
Terry Pratchett and his books have meant more to me over the years than any other long running series of books. I read them all out of order but each book was a jewel of delight and wisdom.
I'm so sad.
Sorry for hijacking this article but I was curious to know if there is going to be an obit for Terry Pratchett?
Well I mean I could be your wife I suppose.
I actually felt that way about this episode re: Skye. She was much less of a focus and the show had some room to breathe. Last week's was appalling. Last night was quite decent.
It could also have been the old ICER guns. Simmons mentioned that the new ones were being developed.
Everytime someone says/types those words I get something stuck in my head for hours. Its happening now! Dammit!
Right but now its around and is even taking over Leslie's milkshake when she didn't ask for it.
That is quite strange. I usually never have a problem with Netflix on either the TV (through the WD, yes its ancient) or on my laptop but Hulu is a different beast.
The intersection of those two sets is the null set.
I'm trying to be supportive.
Pawnee is certainly cosmopolitan by season 7. They have Google-Facebook headquarters and kale!
Darn it, I literally said this in response to the first comment without reading yours. Sorry.
It was pretty hilarious that their romance lasted all of one episode. Talk about fast paced!
Me too!! I dunno how though…
I entirely agree and had to comment to basically double down on this sentiment.
I liked them both. I thought some scenes with both of them were pretty funny and Dong is good at physical comedy.