Grim Fandango

There are times when he veers into 21st century George Costanza.

He has no biological connection to Brock, was assumed dead after dropping off the face of the earth, and last anyone knew was arrested by the APD with five million dollars of suspected drug money.

"Ozymandias" is the more proper finale because it has more things to say about more things (and people) who are important to the show.

30% of the country is non-white. The entertainment world, the music world, the sports worlds are even more diverse.

A hearty lol to the show for going upscale with Charlie Rose and PBS.

I was going to joke about Robert Forster: the friendliest, most helpful fixer who ever lived, and then Gretchen and Elliot showed up.

Samberg is also playing a Latino.

When I heard about this show I figured it would be Alcatraz all over again. High production values, heavy mythology, then a lurch into lame case-of-the-week structure and nobody cares anymore after four episodes.



Dude called his wife minutes before dying to give her the ol' "one day from retirement" spiel. Then he got to stoically tell his killer to fuck off. It's a good thing he wasn't a smoker, or else he might have played the "one last cigarette" card as well.

The open also has a matching cut for later with the knife block and the phone and Skyler. It's all foreshadowing.

That's so sanctimonious. Some fans of this show place Jesse and Mike on this rarefied moral level that they don't deserve at all. They're all a bunch of phony criminals and killers.

Anybody who knows who the real Heisenberg was?

My sympathies for Jesse eroded when he turned rat as his pretend penance for all the lives he ruined.

I didn't want to say anything last week because everyone was having such a good time freaking out over the big cliffhanger, but I had such an uneasy feeling. The odds were just too stacked in one direction. There was only one way things could play out.


The professor needed to have been outside the pocket universe for 10+ seconds in order for the universe to refix his position in time, which would have been too late to save Fry. That part makes sense.

It was rather slight (a quarter of the episode was basically a travelogue), I'm not sure I understand how taking matter in and out of the time loops worked, and it was solved by deus ex professora, and yet I thought it was about as good a finale as one could hope for.

I haven't seen an ep of this show in awhile, but it's Labor Day and there was nothing going on so I figured I'd check in and catch the re-air of the Franco roast afterwards.