
He'll team up with Mel Brooks for History of the World Part II

Apparently a lot of the more finished scripts have made it on to the internet…there's one, one of the last ones (David Koepp's original, I think?) that's supposed to be pretty awesome.

But aliens weren't part of the premise. Aliens had never been part of the premise. Unless this was some secret sucky SG-1 crossover, aliens are more random than dinosaurs. As unexpected genre shifts go, it's right up there with if the Social Network had ended with a flashforward into the world of the Terminator.

I don't think it was the logical next step. There's no rule that says you've got to switch genres because you've switched decades. I know that was Lucas' reasoning, but I never thought the text was metafictional enough to justify the shift.

I don't think the original movie was meant as a comedy, as much as a kind of vanilla drama with a slight romantic plot. I think that I  heard it was made for some sort of cultural training thing?

Same here. Though i also felt that the second movie was like watching someone else play a video game. Cool visuals, not very engaging.

The amazing cinematography etc actually made the movie worth watching to me. I could have done with less of Jim Carrey's scenery chewing, but I definitely liked the kids and the style.

I don't know. I get what you're saying, but after this episode, I'm falling more on the 'it's a way to deliver exposition' side of things. Original Olivia seemed a lot more closed off to Walter. She's intense with him, not relaxed. This Olivia watches out for him and goes to have rootbeer floats and humors him…. it

Not really. Unless it turns back into blue universe, properly. Because as it is, his apparent death as a kid has lead to a universe (pair of universes) where: Walter is even more crazy than usual, Olivia killed her stepfather, has a very cozy relationship with Nina Sharp, and she even seems to have a more relaxed,

Why? I'm not sure why it'd be so surprising or shocking. A large national organization has a research arm that does studies on the population it serves! why I never…

It was badly phrased. What they were actually trying to say was that 72 percent of reality-tv watching girls say they spend a lot of time trying to look pretty, while only 42 percent of non-reality tv watching girls say the same. Furthermore, 38 percent of the reality-tv watching girls say that a girl's overall value

I know. But it is still pretty ambiguous, and the fact that they bothered to have that level of detail- i mean, in not just having a random date- does mean that things may be very….complicated.

Over at TWoP, people with better eyes than mine are saying that the newspaper etc in the episode were dated April 19th, 2011….which would make it before Amy and Rory had their second round of adventures with the Doctor.

Maybe there were fewer than usual, but the stunts were still there, just as cringeworthy as ever. And the usual slight-of-hand misinformation, which is the thing that pisses me off most about him. Also, a conclusion that included the anvil-subtle implication that a socialist revolution's going to happen ANY MOMENT NOW

You can. Depends on how you were streaming Netflix to your TV. You can do it with a roku box, no problem. Or you could just hook up an old computer to your TV. That's pretty easy too.

The lack of faith thing actually made me very sad. What a terrible thing. And I don't just mean religious faith…but to truly not have faith in anything? Not spouses or family or humanity or…liberty or the universe or in science.or anything?

The episode also put me in mind of what happened to Donna. They both reveal something very dark about the character of the doctor. He stumbles around, wreaks havoc on the lives of the people around him…and then he just tries to erase his mistakes. It's not atonement. It's kind of creepy the lengths he'll go to in

I never put much thought into anonymous commenting, because for awhile there, it seemed to be an option everywhere and, tbh, that was before the drive to link all of your identities and comments and web browsing habits not only together but to your real name kicked into high gear. And now it just seems so important.

It would have been better without the audio. I liked the visual stuff, but the atrocious accents nearly killed me.

Proud to be An American
If there ever was a song to make me want to surrender my citizenship, it's that one. Shallow, ugly, unthinking, and conforming exactly to the worst perceptions of American patriotism.