E.Buzz Miller

You didn't miss shit.

She didn't have O-C-fucking-D to 'flare up' they made it up on the spot for 'drama'.
Fucking awful writing.




The problem with Rorschach's morality is that if you boil it down to the base level (like the story does) it kinda ends with him being fine with letting a nuclear holocaust happen as long as his precious moral code isn't compromised, which is nuts and fairly abhorrent.

He's morally repugnant and really has one decent redeeming quality (his attempt to connect with Laurie), but at least he knows it and doesn't deny he isn't morally empty.
There's a perverse way of admiring that.

That and the prison riot scene where a supposedly out of shape and flabby Nite Owl suddenly starts doing cartwheels and stuff, dear god, did he not even read his own script?

I'd call Rorschach a kind of distorted idealist. His ideas (as stupid and naive as they are) are still there and absolute, whereas The Comedian has no such ideals, just a justification that the world is an absurd joke.

I don't see Kovacs as schizophrenic. If anything he's a  reverse one where he's reduced his personas down to one singular one from two.

The end very often justifies the means. People who think otherwise are a waste of space being consulted on real issues about, and should get out of the way.

Rorschach is insane. As much as the mask stuff comes into play, he is actually so far off the rails into his delusions that he doesn't even have an identity beyond his persona. Which makes him and Veidt strangely similar in how they've bought into their archetypes.
But still the problem with the world is the Rorschach

Yeah I never really found the 'used other characters, just changed things slightly' thing to be true. The only ones with any real connection I can see are Blue Beetle/Nite Owl II and Question/Rorschach.
But even beyond that it doesn't matter, as everyone apart from Silk Spectre and Nite Owl are philosophical stand-in

People don'tr get depressed in Pakistan?

Really what they remind me of is a Richard Hell record.

No, and please never do. I hate everyone.

I hope she gets chronically sick, and a Jewish attending doctor refuses to treat her and tells her to 'go home'.

What a winner… ^

I'd fire all of you. What the fuck is this? There's goofing off and then there's refusing to work. Maggots.

Oh please, Twitter diminishes writing skills, it practically mandates only using words of one two syllables max.