E.Buzz Miller

Yeah if you look at the original Godzilla, it was based on the  Bikini Atoll incident and fears of what nuclear fallout would do (piss off a thought extinct dinosaur because you nuked it's habitat and mutated it).
Hell Serizawa might as well translate to a post-Hiroshima/Nagasaki Oppenheimer stand-in too.

leave me alone man. I'm serious, not the time to mess with me.

You're still around? Fucking Darwin.

I broke up or should I say 'went on a break', same thing really, just details.
I feel like I had my leg cut off, and I'm sinking.

I hate everything today. This is a productive avenue.

The AV Club is dead, long live Dissolve!

Here, here. Fuck the AV Club. Once Breaking Bad and Mad Men finish up next year they'll be nothing worth bothering with here at all.

The layout is annoying, but the most important thing is this begins to kill the AV Club forever.

If you're being glib, I really don't find this funny given I'm in emotional agony.

Hardly a new insight when A) the group deliberately wore apparel of the team in publicity all over the place and B) Ice Cube made a 30 for 30 documentary where he explored the issue and why that team (reputation for being cheats, thugs and winners) was embraced by less affluent parts of L.A.

I think Klosterman's best when he's a little glib, mildly sarcastic and also offering insights into things (agree or disagree with them) in a conversational way. 
He works best when it seems like he'd be telling you these ideas as if you were having a drink to them.Eating The Dinosaur seemed like he was deliberately

That's odd, because to me I can't even detach one from the other, given MTV played it so damn much throughout most of 1994 and the first half of 1995.
It really was ubiquitious.

Oh no you don't, stop being silly.

This seems the place for some WDOK; All Dokken, all the time.

Listen @avclub-3c23902822283144c09d87f123545c87:disqus . How is smug saying 'this is my opinion'. Smug would be saying 'it didn't work, and everyone should agree'.
Funny you object to the term asshole, when that's what you're being.

It really is a 'suburbanite dread of the urban area' myth.
Here's the thing, you may get mugged at worst, but like in any situation you go asking for trouble with lowlifes, you'll find it, if you don't and mind your own business you'll be fine (usually).

That's nothing. I had a massive fight with my fiancee last night, probably broke up and got hit in the face with a lamp.

Stay in school? Why?
When I was in sixth grade they told us when we got to Jnr High we'd either be in track one, track two or track three.
Track one's the smart kids, track two's the normal kids, track three's the dumb kids.
Now what do you think I got?
How do you feel to be told you're dumb in ink at eleven years old?

I don't know Dean Ween really seemed to.

I never called Guns N' Roses 'hair metal', they had a sense of authenticity to them, compared to Warrant, Winger and Dokken.