E.Buzz Miller

Well I didn't hate it for that, just that it'd be more interesting and more in the spirit of Dick's writing if it had that kind of ambiguous mind-fuck.
I mean even Total Recall did it.

I can only guess it's become such a cult phenomenon there's been a transfer to film? I don't get it.

Apparently? I don't get it either, but it said 'newly restored from the original 35mm negative', not that it added anything visually.


Saturday was 4Knots mini-festival on the South Street Seaport. I've seen Parquet Courts, The Men and Kurt Vile something like 6 times combined in the last 12 months, but they were still worth only having overpriced Bud Light to drink.
Then latter that night was a screening of a restored print of Samurai Cop at the

Ok I'm a Part II defender (I think it's way better than III) but the first is heads and shoulders above the other two.

Yeah Frankenstein the book is much more interesting as a discussion of metaphysics narrative than it is an actual good book, it is written appallingly, and Mary Shelley really wasn't much of a writer.
There's a reason that film version that tried to do a serious literary adaption was so awful, and it's the source

Awww look at Canada acting like a real country. *tussles hair* you're so cute.

If it keeps up, just bite the bullet and go to the ER. a broken toe is really one of those things that is so hard to heal if you're planning on walking on it.

Yeah it's really inexplicable he never fully became one of those 'oh that guy' actors who gets small or supporting parts in big films.

Yeah the ending doesn't hold up to any deep analysis or thinking about.
Most obviously the 'how did they know exactly where he'd jump from?' part.
Also me too. If I had a brother who just tortured me that way for two weeks, my reaction would be to pop him in the kisser, then we talk about why.

Yeah I can admire Franzen, but he's so naval gazing it gets to be obnoxious for me.

The only part that annoyed me about Minority Report was the 'happy ending'. It just seemed focus grouped like the A.I ending. 
I really wish he'd gone for an end twist that Cruise really had imagined it all in cryo-prison.

I always thought they were a band out of place with the scene.
Their early stuff was too dark glam when everything was baggy and dance-rock, and their later stuff was stuck in the Britpop era where they seemed a little out of place.I think the key is with Richey Edwards and without. With they were a lot more

I'd say yes. If he's involved and you don't know you can just write it off as wanting to be friends.
If you have mutual friends, a good idea could be to invite him to hang with others that way if you're concerned about it seeming too forward.

Yeah that sucks. I mean I guess I can understand the financial reasons behind stickers over making metal tags, but still…

What about the Twinkie?

Andrew Jackson challenged some guy to a pistol duel, and to make it sporting gave the other guy the first shot.

Oh, yeah. You women's libbers really know how to party!  Hey, Betty Friedan, send a little of that lotion my way!

He belongs to Wernstrom now.