Bit of a long bow to draw, innit? Just because she hasn't announced participation in something else doesn't mean there's nothing coming up.
Bit of a long bow to draw, innit? Just because she hasn't announced participation in something else doesn't mean there's nothing coming up.
Condolences to everyone who feels a loss about CC's passing.
Wait, Hugh Jackman is a real person? I've been researching Hugh Dennis to add context to Hugh Jackman articles for 2 weeks!
I mean, say what you like about what came of this band before or since (I have very little to say on either, really) but Tornado Of Souls is beautifully crafted.
Yeah, "latte drinking lefty" is another popular one in Australia, where left-leaning folk don't live in the real world and want everything handed to them whilst drinking a particularly expensive and hoity-toity style of coffee.
Apologies if this has already been pointed out, but this fucker is actually just repeating a catchphrase that another Australian genius uttered to us last year. Bernard Salt was the first guy to point out that us "young aussies" are wasting our money on smashed avo and expensive coffees, and it was a hilariously…
I had such a rocky relationship with the show. I must admit I never finished it so I can't pretend that my opinion is conclusive. I am a huge fan of Blatty's writing and I think Friedkin brings such a powerful veracity to the film. I have even been known to be forgiving of spin-offs and sequels (despite their…
The thing is, there is no proof here that they AREN'T intensely focused on the bottom line. All this tells us is that they hadn't sunk so many millions into IX that they were no longer confident they'd make it back by starting over.
I mean, if there's one franchise that they can definitely afford to haemorrhage money on, it's Star Wars.
I dispute your use of the term "usually". My experience with self-injurers is that there is a wide and diverse set of motivations behind it, a wide and diverse set of rationalisations for it, and it fulfills one (or several) of a wide and diverse set of functions. I very strongly object to simplifications around…
Aliens is by far my least favourite of the stand-alone Alien films.
Note to self: read a few comments first. All my observations have already been made. Apologies.
I just was never sold on the Blomkamp version. It seemed a bit "Terminator Genysis" or "Jurassic World". Bringing back dead characters for fan service seemed kind of like a nostalgia cash grab rather than a film with its own identity. I know that not ALL the Alien films are great (Resurrection is pretty much the…
Ladies and gentlemen, the president of Yoplait.
Subscribe to my fruit pulp.
Haha, yeah look, I have to say my description was not WHOLLY intended pejoratively.
When I saw the trailer my first thought was, is this based on a video game I've never heard of? It's so heavy-handed in its attempt to pretend it's got a fully-fledged world behind it, and the animation looks so low-budget, that you just can't help but feel like some game developer or someone sold off the rights to a…
This is literally just "The character Samuel L Jackson usually plays" meets "The character Ryan Reynolds usually plays". It looks like a robot made it.
I probably won't watch this but the original Bride Of Frankenstein is one of those movies where like, you watch it and you just get awed all over again.
I know it's really annoying when people do the whole "I've never heard of this band because I'm so cool that I'm not even exposed to this shit" but until now the only time I ever registered the existence of The Chainsmokers was when someone sent me a photo of themselves with the Chainsmokers' promotional Snapchat…