Heavy Chettle

I was saying “Cruuuuuu-urns.”

Surprised he didn’t mention that Maggie shot a guy before she learned to walk or talk.

The way the Oscar’s work they’ll likely just say f*** it and give him one I expect. They have a way of over looking deserving people for years, realizing their mistake, and then awarding them for something that is far from their best work. I call it Pulling a Scorsese.

I hate when AV Club articles feature some musician I’ve never heard of.  Who’s Prince?

This week I finished the last of Eric Rohmer’s contemporary stories. The Mayor, The Tree, and the Mediatheque was surprisingly political! It was about a phenomenon that is common everywhere: the relative ease with which one can raise funds for new building projects alongside the near impossibility of raising funds to

Also, he goes out of his way in his apology to indulge in a lot of both-sidesism.  

The only thing that can stop a bad guy with a fart is a good guy with a fart.


Chumbawamba were far-left anarchists.

That tongue in cheek “Ace of Base is Nazi propaganda” article was actually pretty damn convincing.

Dominika accepts an offer from her Uncle Vanya (Matthias Schoenaerts) to become a “red sparrow” under similar circumstances as Katniss’s tribute volunteering; she wants to protect the home and health insurance of her ailing mother, both threatened now that she can no longer dance in the Russian ballet. . . .

I didn’t get the grades for whore school, but clown college turned out to be a decent safety.

We debated this. Ultimately, there were two staffers, who shall remain nameless, that maintain the Showgirls sex scene is “intentionally and artfully bad” and therefore actually good.


This topic is nuts.

I actually like Mastodon’s new record more than I have over the past few despite it’s pop sensibilities, but, wtf, Code Orange? I can’t fathom how they got voted onto the list. I know Forever scored some critical acclaim here and there, but they’re Not Safe For Grammys as hell. That their name was read on network TV

Hey, they didn’t nominate Jethro Tull so I guess that’s a victory.

Mastodon is still really really good. Are they the old Blood Mountain rip your face off? No. But this was a very good album. I think Jaguar God should have been the song to choose for them though.

I’m not sure how I missed that BodyCount was making new music. Seems like someone would have let me know that Bodycount was in the house. (Bodycount)