
Are we supposed to be flagging these obnoxious comment-ads?  (@openid-157320:disqus , above)

Before you disagree, tell me one thing he does in the entire movie that isn't the idea of another character.)

Before you disagree, tell me one thing he does in the entire movie that isn't the idea of another character.)

No Disney movies yet?  The early 90s were a renaissance for their classic animation. Pixar was introduced in the mid-90s.

No Disney movies yet?  The early 90s were a renaissance for their classic animation. Pixar was introduced in the mid-90s.

Christ.  Tootsie rolls are beyond awful.

Christ.  Tootsie rolls are beyond awful.

Tours & performances are where the money is made in the music industry.

Tours & performances are where the money is made in the music industry.

They look like little hens about the size of pea.

They look like little hens about the size of pea.

See: her latest video.

See: her latest video.

Madge's age tends to "disappear" in many photos.  Does that count?

Madge's age tends to "disappear" in many photos.  Does that count?

You rang?

You rang?

He's spared the 5c deposit fee.

He's spared the 5c deposit fee.

He's always looked like a walking STD to me.