Always been a fan - though around Yes Man time i thought he was going downhill.
Then I saw I love You Phillip Morris , and Jim Carrey is a golden prize hero man forever.
Always been a fan - though around Yes Man time i thought he was going downhill.
Then I saw I love You Phillip Morris , and Jim Carrey is a golden prize hero man forever.
That and Leap Day Williams' monster reveal in the tag were the best bits in the ep
of COURSE! it's randy! that's been vaguely bugging me for ages
"Two babies go in, one baby comes out".
Lost my shit.
"why are all these people yelling at me, and why are there so many of them?"
Not the greatest Nicki Minaj horrorshow she couldve done [couldve rapped more for one]. I thought the framing was The Exorcist, and then went from there? Also a bit too soon after Alejandro perhaps.
Jenna is killing it. So's Pete. They both alway have. Quite liked the Liz story, more for heart than jokes [although the jungle growl at the start made me laugh for some reason]. Kristen Schaal's charac is useless. Also it pushes Kenneth out of the limelight. NOOOO!
And Avery needs to come back, or die. I'm sick of…
Nah it was a good continuation. that whole bit was my favourite in the whole ep. "Dude, how HIGH are you?" <drool> <giggle> <thump>
And making little upset noises
No, they haven't forgotten about one of their integral supporting characters that they built into the world of the show.
Worst Climbing Ever-est.
FOOKin Cheerleaders!
The uploader has not made this video available in your country. :(
Ryan Hansen was a bit underused. So sick to see him though, dog.
I take that back. Last week's underwear "the fire is in my pants" Jane.
No! Bikini Jane!
Claire Skinner's bloody great, innit?
Best bit of the whole show was Applegate storming out of the book launch. "Nerds!"
The way she sort of patted the books off the table…. Great
Loved that Ames won out over Hodgman; it was satisfying, but now Hodgman is going to go FULL MEDIEVAL