
some people say we don't have feelings, we have feelings…

I believe it was all the sipping he did on private stock.


Signs of the apocalypse, the world will be over run by snooki's seeking smoosh smoosh.

Jersey Shore
I don't get it.

Well, obviously we can't have E-racism on this site but we can verbally gay bash ted haggard to death.

honestly guys can't we just fight racism with eracism?

and here I thought the whole time that it was Jesus that would fill that void in my life.

I think we're all missing the most important part
Topless dancers wearing space helmets. I could care less about the Kanye news.

Nope that is the joke. Mister Slave should have a comment on this one though.

Someone started a thread about MacGruber the other day, saying that the movie was one of the "funniest of the year" and "will hit cult status soon". Well…I for one thought it was completely stupid but it just goes to show that everyone has their own opinions and for me, each their own. I really wanted to like it,

I've enjoyed it the whole time, but I do agree after "Peter" that the show does really hit it's stride.

well…if you watch the commetary with the writers and producers of the show, they say the languege is close to accurate for the time and place. Supposably they didn't want to "water it down". I say if you don't get it, don't watch it. Ian Mcshane fuckin rocks that show though, he's awesome as Al Swearengen, even

I have to be honest dude, if I ever meet you I'm going to kick you in the balls and steal your lunch money. Possibly then you might be able to understand what the movie is about.

I have to say that MacGruber was probably single handily one of the most retarded movie I have ever seen. I can't even say that it is one of those so dumb it's funny movies, it's just plain stupid.

I think you made your point. and I actually laughed at a majority of them, way to put time and effort into your comments!

Your comment makes absolutely no fucking sense what-so-ever. Dammit where's my gun Murtaugh?

Fock you! I thought that movie was funny…not the best but bearable.

aside from this being a joke(which I hope it is). You would be the one person to not know that lost has ended. Way to go!