
I'd just like to shake the hand of the daughter of the bravest Agent of SHIELD I've ever met.

No Fun With Dick and Jane?

Jerry Fucking Garcia blah blah blah!

I, just, need to get something out of my car.

I just want to be included…  in something.

"Welcome to prime time bitch!"

You simply don't understand the cosmic perspective that the entity that lets us know it as Phil possesses.

Some snark by night,
Some snark by daaa-aay,

I'm jealous.

I've smoked a lot of weed Phil and listened to Dark Side, even doing that bullshit Oz synching. May the Lord bless and keep the souls of the snacks I've consumed in a full-on, Stedanko style munch out.  I've made short videos and films.

Leonard Nimoy x2?

Seriously, Cavett's a mensch and his show was a schlocky and earnest gift to the brown, green and orange shag-wearing dregs of the late 60s and 70s.

I only consider you-a scum compared to Cavett. Yeah, you see-a how you're scum.

Now we enter endgame.


I got grifted good, see, once in the Big Apple, the city that never sleeps.  It was midnight, I was drunk but the hooch wouldn't cut it.  I craved the jazz-man's kick, the demon weed, reefer.

Thank you, I was just about to go there.  Also starring the ever-unctuous J.T. Walsh, god rest his oily, hardcase soul.

"Forget about Stalin!"

"Crotch," is, in general, not a pleasant word but becomes so when used in conjunction with "Annette Benning's."

This is weird.