For me, not only is TTDIDWYD the greatest of all Tarantinoesques but does, in moments become something much more.
For me, not only is TTDIDWYD the greatest of all Tarantinoesques but does, in moments become something much more.
Goddammit! You never leave a man behind!
RA was my introduction to the Coens and holds a special place in my heart as well as on my top ten (or five) list of theirs.
I feel like a complete dipshit. I love the Coens (and would place RA in my top ten). I love Jeff Bridges. I adore Westerns. How in the name of all that's Holy did I not know that the Coens did the remake of True Grit?!
I want to rewatch Point Break so bad I could eat the ass end out of a rhinoceros.
They'd better embrace the Main Man or he'll trucidate 'em then frag their corpses just for laughs.
Those panels in Ronin, when he's being hunted in the sewer and he takes out his last assailant with the thrown katana? Mind fucking blown.
I stumbled onto American Flagg! years after it was out of print. I am so glad I did. Viciously entertaing stories about a functional dystopia that are simultaneously out-there but seem just grounded enough to be plausible.
NM was always good but didn't hit its stride until Artist-Poet Sir Robert of Liefeld took over and started spreading the Good Word about Magic Giant Guns and the Sacred Pouches.
#370. That guy strikes again.
#355. Simonson wrote it but Sal Buscema gave him a break on the art. Tiwaz was Grandpa the Ice-Pimp. It was a necessary break for Walt and Thor as both were dealing with the repercussions of Ragnarok.
The DeFalco-Frenz run following Simonson's was quite good and a complete 180 in many ways yet still taking a godlike approach to, well, a god.
Thor was based out of Chicago, when not on Avengers duty, for a significant bit of his pre-Simonson run. He abandons Chicago when his Donald Blake alter ego is rendered null and void. He gets SHIELD's help to relocate to NYC, though even they can't do anything about New York's real estate and barely secure Thor an…
#337-366, writer and artist. (#356 was a one-shot vacay ish for Walt with a fun story about Thor and Herc fucking about)
Just about four years later Cap retired his uniform and shield because he wouldn't be a Federale stooge. There was some good shit going down in the Marvel sweatshop in the 80s.
Warchild got me into the Grendel game way late. But it was such a palate cleanser compared to most of the Image/Marvel/DC shit of the early 90s. And it inspired me to work backwards from there (partially thanks to the excellent Grendel history lessons in each issue).
The Dire Wraiths were fucking freaky as a kid. A different kind of creepy than the Brood but just as effective.
GIJoe is definitely missing IMO. I got into it later but, fuck!, what an incredible run. Great art, usually, and often from the wonderful Mark Bright or Ron Wagner but the cap is really doffed for uber-scribe Larry Hama. How often does a writer get to helm an entire life of a comic? And elevate it transcendentally…
I started learning to read with comics my mom bought me from the spinning metal racks at the grocery store in K and Grade 1, around '83 and '84. In Grade 2 I got some Marvel subscriptions. Iron Man, Cap, Spidey and Thor. They were all good but Thor is the one I waited for and worried when was the fuckin' mail gonna…