Roger Mellie

Well, as a 'screenwriter' you'll certainly understand what the word 'hyperbole' means…

Mort and go from there…

But the strangest fact about Gibbon was about his enormous scrotum, that he had a special cart to carry around as a result of hydrocele…

I'm not saying she's old but her social security number is '4'

It's either that or my mum has started posting on the AVClub…

That's a shame…haven't seen the film, but the book is truly excellent.

Vernal Equinox is playing tight end for Texas State just now, looks good for a late draft pick…

If it doesn't make a difference then why did they do it?

He's been at the orange juice again….

My main problem with True Detective (which was mostly very good)…is that, coming from the UK, we are much more used to producing 8 episode runs…for us that's a whole series…and for me the writers just seemed to be fighting against this limitation for the whole series…and you could feel it in the plotting etc…

The first few episodes have been excellent.

That should be for 'Best adapted Screenplay'

WITH IRON BRU for full effect.

They used the left over stock from Utah….

It's because their wonderful breasticles have an almost prozac-like quality that keeps them in a sunny disposition.

It's a good thing you considered that it MIGHT be slightly tongue in cheek…

You're called deepgeek but don't have an inner twelve year-old boy?

'My government wants me to father and raise future dead soldiers. …What the hell’s wrong with me? '

'My government wants me to father and raise future dead soldiers. …What the hell’s wrong with me? '