

Kid, there are only 3 monsters: Dracula, Blackula and Son of Kong!

The intonation of the second 4:15 always makes me laugh!

War were declared.

Would you have preferred the Pinocchio song?


Seems to be made of leather, I think. Uhh, paper… There's lots of paper. PRINT! There's print on the paper!

Does anyone have a yt link for Eurotrash like me?

Am I the only person who actually kinda liked Movie 43?

SHUT UP DIGGITY DAVE!!! Get a freaking haircut!

Home Movies is NOT funny! It's terribly animated and terribly unfunny! *fire and brimstone* etc.

Now all we need is Phil Hartman. Oh… Right :(


They cut the "kitchen = corn" bit?! I use that in everyday life when comparing two logical things.

See you at the fight!

They should've called him Awake.

I don't know the meaning of the word!


And Dum Dum was even sorta fleshed out a little bit. It was very disappointing.
Not that they were that much better in the first Captain America though.

Who was that black Howling Commando and why was he the worst actor in the history of ever? It was like he was sleeping.