
Holy Sheeeeet
Nipsey Hu$$le is the best alias I have heard since Cleetus Van Damme. By-the-hour Hotels, you will be seeing a lot of Nipsey Hu$$le and his lady friend in the coming weeks.

I hope he asks the President about the Network-moment, where the Ned Beatty figure took him to the shed and explained how the shit really works. Although, being a senator, he probably already knew.

Ever since the Irish showed up, the show has been on a slow steady decline. It's like the writers have been watching too much World's Most Dangerous Gangs or something. Next season, SAMCRO will be going to Columbia or some such shit.

Turned the Corner
This episode felt like the point Boardwalk Empire became appointment tv for suckers without DVRs. Really good stuff.

Don't Hate the Playa
The dude has game.

So Sad
Makes you wonder if the sugar boogers are worth it.