I'm really glad I'm not the only regular feature commenter who assumed this review would be posted at 2.
I'm really glad I'm not the only regular feature commenter who assumed this review would be posted at 2.
DVD Commentary Commentary
With: Josh Weinstein, George Meyer, Matt Groening, director Jim Reardon, Josh Weinstein’s kids Molly and Simon who are younger than this episode
I'm not familiar with your grading scale, but it read more like a C+ review. I was genuinely surprised to see the grade at the end. To me it sounded more like "It would have succeeded if it had a couple more elements" than "I really, really don't like this one."
Baby Got Back was also used in a Target back-to-school commercial a few years ago: https://www.youtube.com/wat…
I'm probably the only person who doesn't think "That '90s Show" is significantly worse than the rest of its season… and once I bring this up, I'm forced to defend something I don't particularly care for.
The Fox animated series love to all do the same plot. The Simpsons, Family Guy, American Dad, and King of the Hill all had an episode where a main character loses a finger, and The Simpsons, American Dad, and King of the Hill all had an episode where a non-gamer character becomes heavily involved with playing a video…
According to the episode's commentary, the electrocution joke came from Matt Groening, thus proving he still came into the office during Season 8. (There are entire episodes from the last decade that he's never seen.)
I live for the SNPP goofs. In "Bart vs. Australia", one of the goofs listed is that "there's no such thing as a laundry ship."
Based on feedback from last week, I’m sticking around for syndication cuts, but adding another feature to give my posts more substance.
That scene was kinda ruined for me because "Sir? Are you aware that you're leaking coolant at an alarming rate?" was in every single Fox ad for this episode.
Smooth move, Ferguson!
idiotking can be found in Classic Futurama!
For what it's worth, a good number of people consider "Marge Be Not Proud" the worst episode of its season and a sign of bad things to come, as if it's a template for Very Serious Episodes to come, like "Bart the Mother." (I'm not in this camp, as I think there's enough humor to balance it out, but I can see where…
I am definitely not! I've just been going to the Syndication Cuts Guide, taking the ones that are more than half a second, and listing them in the comments here. (I did them this week, but it's pretty far down in the comments.)
I've been so bad at this feature - I've only made it here for about half the season so far, and only into the first 20 comments once. (First time I've tried to do anything regular on A.V. Club reviews.) It's a nice idea in theory, but the season has fewer and fewer cuts as it goes along anyway. I'm going to either…
Things cut in syndication (that you care about)
I remember my friends and I singing this as kids in the late 90s, and I never knew whether it was invented for this episode or existed before.
You're right. I know because I was compiling the "important" syndication cuts for this season before deciding nobody here cares.
Things cut in syndication (that you care about)
Things cut in syndication (that you care about)