boner boner boner

Why didn't Leo's kids just travel to Europe to visit him instead?

Still got a better grade than last week's episode though!

You can't make this shit up

Duane Allman died when he was 24. that one still blows my mind


I completely agree with the review. This album was a real letdown, save for the tracks mentioned as highlights. Every single song on their older stuff was instantly memorable and I thought Days was a great evolution of their sound. This one lacks that timelessness and it was overall pretty boring and a little too

Warren Haynes looks like he just pooped himself in that photo

fun fact: Free Bird was written in memory of Duane Allman

She asserts herself through her nudity to throw Sherlock off the first time they meet. he can't read her because it catches him off guard, it reduces the amount of visible clues, and Sherlock's reaction to any display of sexuality is always amusing. the underlining plot for the season is Moriarty, so it made sense to

I just don't think it's sexist. her sexuality may be multifaceted and her relationship with Sherlock is part of that, rather than outside of a previously defined one. Not familiar with the source material, but I guess she beat him in the book? I don't think changing that canon to having her defeated in the episode is

maybe The Woman was bisexual? your comment reeks of sexist ignorance, implying that women can't think for themselves or have any agency

Can we just have Pavement/Malkmus week every week? I'm loving these write-ups

There's a few misses on the new album IMO but the songs I like I really really like. "Lariat", "Cinnamon and Lesbians", "The Janitor Revealed", and "Independence Street" are instant classics that I'll definitely come back to. I actually like Mirror Traffic the most out of all his solo stuff, but I'm a sucker for pedal

I seriously wonder about these people who can't distinguish the difference between a show airing someone's views and endorsing said views. like how do they function as human beings? especially when it's a goddamn kid saying these things.

sullying the innocence of children is protected in the constitution ya dingus

I think "The Janitor Revealed" has one of the best choruses I've heard from any band in a long time. pretty solid album as a whole, definitely a few standouts that keep me coming back

The voice commands are more convenient and easier to use than a controller. plus I can yell "XBOX RECORD THAT SHIT" after something cool happens in Battlefield 4 and it does it without me having to do anything else. I and many others like them, so please fuck off with your overrreactionary bullshit. voice commands are

Appear offline then? you sound really whiny and not fun to play games with anyway, so I doubt this is actually an issue for you and rather just some insane scenario in your head

and this matters why?