Yeah there was no logical reason for him killing all those people, it was just a dumb lazy scene.
Yeah there was no logical reason for him killing all those people, it was just a dumb lazy scene.
Yeah like it was a cool different route, but fell short because of how bad we already know the Governor is.
Yeah I liked the episode and I like redemption stories, but I mean they made him to evil in the 3rd to try and make him sympathetic now.
This episode would have been better if the writers last season didn't spend so much time making the Governor 100% evil.
Opie was suppose to be VP… slipped up killing him
Yeah I just added them in from last season, I didn't see them either. It's just I don't know the only threat Woodberry held was their numbers. Now it is just him. Hahah and this is how bad this show is with any character who isn't a major player. "The other guy."
Yeah sometimes they are, but anymore it's like they are forcing these things each episode, like cue montage or cue bike chase with music.
Yeah but I feel they ruined the whole Hamlet thing because Clay has no power now, so what would the final act be? He needs a Laertes to face off again in the final act.
- Wow never seen someone crumble as much in one episode of a show like Tara just did. She's going mad and it looks like she's going to go the route of Ophelia and "kill herself."
- This show waste about a solid 7 minutes on montages.
- And JT bike has been seen in the clubhouse since episode 1
She's leaving him though and he is 100% in it now, he isn't planning on leaving
Yeah I thought for a second that he was just giving in
I liked the Governor, but hated season 3. They promised this whole war that turned out to have no meaningful casualties. The thing that made the Governor such a threat to the Prison was because of his numbers, he now has 3. I don't see how huge of a threat he could be, but I hope it turns out good. Hope he brings…
Sheww really thought for a second Chalky was biting the dust.
Hahah wild I said the same exact thing
It's wild like If they are doing the whole Hamlet thing, does that mean Clay (Claudius) is going to get power again… that would be horrible
Be trashed by minute 7
There minerals marie
Yeah that's true and I like the Hamlet link to SOA but I mean the show has its own story lines. That is just the frame work that got it started.
This was the first episode that I felt the 90 minutes was actually necessary, unlike the others. And the Hobbit don't get me started, making a Trilogy out of the shortest book out of all 4. That's Hollywood for ya
Morality… that's a stretch. And common sense, if she wanted Jax to not trust Gemma should have just told him about her part in JT death that Gemma ripped out of the letters in season 4