
A dud with a few good laughs is all anybody can ask for on this seething Hellworld.

Pet Peeve alert: any time someone uses "downfall" as a synonym for flaw. They are one step closer to the Lake of Fire.

Wow, how long has Cannes been around, and they're just now getting a great film? Congratulations to Cannes, I guess!

"Suck a knife" is my favorite gibe of all time.

Playing pop star is what he's doing. Kara's Flowers started as a grunge-pop band, then made a post-Blue Album power pop album. Neither of them had any success, so they abandoned both genres. I guess a lot of bands did that, but then M5 struck the lottery with "This Love" and they've watered that style down with every

This show is so superior to TWD it's ridiculous. Actual people doing actual people things instead of monologuing and reciting hokey 3rd grade philosophy.

No, it can't. Next question.

This post needs more comparisons to other things.

Cheating rules.

Real boys are terrible. A C means it has already more than lived up to the "real thing".

He and Chino Moreno need to settle on a happy medium.

It wasn't slanted to the defense (or the defendant) so much as to the presumption of innocence. Which is how the entire trial — and every trial — *should* be "slanted".

Argue with whom?

Nooooooooooo! Not a farrago! Anything but a farrago! Nooooooooooooooooooooooo!

Violence rules.

It's not a cliche so much as the reality for all living, aging beings.

Orgalorg is a pretty big umbrella, but relatively small compared to the other pre-Nothing monsters. Minor deity!

I imagine the series finale might include the real death of Jake, in a young-adult-loses-dog/best-friend tearjerker. It's ultimately a coming of age story, after all.

Mac Mullendore and his little monkey Charlie.

Definitely excited for this. Especially now that it's earned one of Dowd's most glowing reviews yet!