

Yah, Jack Johnson.

It is indeed disturbing that Haneke can generate the amount of smug self-righteousness necessary to make this film twice.

It's nice to have a document of how perfect Kerry Washington was before she starved herself into a skeleton for Hollywood.

Hey that's just Avril being Avril, man. Classic!

Well it looks like *someone* is really skimping on the luster these days. What, did the price of luster skyrocket recently? Makes no sense, not to use as much luster as you possibly can.

"The Moral Majority-types are aided and abetted by the local Ku Klux Klan, because anyone who didn’t like Porky’s is probably racist too." — I detect no flaws in this assertion.

Far out, man!

Paying for music *is* pretty retro. Far out, man!

Larry Fessenden looks like Jack Torrance if he had survived The Shining and spent a decade receding about 25% from full crazy. And I mean that in the best possible way.

We should all die with her, in tribute and solidarity.

Originally, the House and Senate literally snuck the language overnight into, respectively and separtely, an anti-Sharia Law bill and a Motorcycle Safety bill, which might be why you didn't hear about it. Not sure how that's possible or what process turned it into its own bill to be signed by the Gov.

"Plaza never gets to the more adventurous benchmarks on her list." So much for the Spoiler Space!

They should have hired Brett Nerson and Brett Nebson.


{[(We)]} FORGOT!!! to ask/inform you — sorry.

Lizard god?!?! Sign me up!

There's a special of his on Comedy Central On-Demand right now that must be >50% crowd work, it's kind of impressive.

Worked better than the U-Force.

good version, but you should have included a jake fogelnest trigger warning.