
Oh yah. That's what sucks about being at the end of our species.

Oh yah. That's what sucks about being at the end of our species.

Maybe it's good and you're bad. How does one tell these kinds of things?

Maybe it's good and you're bad. How does one tell these kinds of things?

No way, you gotta at least watch until Ms. Fine finally snags Mr. Sheffield.

No way, you gotta at least watch until Ms. Fine finally snags Mr. Sheffield.

House did pretty well, though it abandoned the vengeful Vietnam vet skeleton and the cowardly wild west great grandpa zombie for some more traditional hospital shenanigans.

House did pretty well, though it abandoned the vengeful Vietnam vet skeleton and the cowardly wild west great grandpa zombie for some more traditional hospital shenanigans.

That's not a harrowing tale of gang violence at a children's recreation center.

That's not a harrowing tale of gang violence at a children's recreation center.

I've always wanted to see several gang fights in a two hour span, set to nasally punk pop.

I've always wanted to see several gang fights in a two hour span, set to nasally punk pop.

He got busy directing some of the best episodes from one of the greatest television comedies of all time.

He got busy directing some of the best episodes from one of the greatest television comedies of all time.

(    [Visitor Q)    ]

(    [Visitor Q)    ]

I don't think it's a concern at all, from one story to the next.

I don't think it's a concern at all, from one story to the next.

The trailer was cut to be just this side of saccharine, but it looks really awesome nevertheless.

The trailer was cut to be just this side of saccharine, but it looks really awesome nevertheless.