
To answer your question, yes, people were dumb in the 1880s.

the most exciting iron man villain of them all: robot #7

He was kidnapped by Jeremy London.

Is there a way to ban Whovian and his entire genetic line from the Internet for all time?

I think maybe Jon figures Qorin et al headed back to the bigger group now that they dealt with the Wildling smoke signal crew. So Jon is just generally trying to get back to the Fist of the First Men, not necessarily finding the small crew he was with in all that wild.

i like turtles

You Should Be Ashamed, Seamus — especially the live version on mcluskyism.

What if you're asked a question in an interview, and you answer it honestly, because that is how interviews work?

well that is welcome news.

"Disparate Youth" is pretty great, but I'm mostly surprised it took this long for somebody to sample "Making Plans for Nigel" which has one of the most killer, immediately hooky pop rhythm tracks in history.

It's time to give grey Hulk a shot at the big screen.

"We'll live another day. Hurrah."

Indeed, nimby, I was momentarily mindfreaked when I misspoke.

Dr. Yap looked like Dr. 90210, and I don't think it was a coincidence.

You shouldn't infer Xaro believed it to be a parlor trick just because that's how he described it to Dany.

The Stone is one of DMB's better songs, but I agree that for Phil it's a little (or a lot) on the nose, plus it's like a 7 min. song that had to be cut a bunch, hence the odd arrangement that fizzled out by the end. It was definitely chopped up and stitched together. On the other hand, as not generally a Phil fan, it

Whitest movie ever made.

What if you genuinely hate all white people irrespective of their contributions to the arts?

You and Dan Quayle need to lay off Murphy, this ain't the stone age.