
Maybe so, but I still contend that reviewing a show from a tiny screen does everyone a disservice.

Maybe the problem is you were watching it on a tiny screen, and the eye strain soured your opinion.

Also I believe he said Laura's look was something you'd wear to go bury something in the woods. Biggest LOL moment of the season for me.

Yah, that actually sounds plenty like a description of 2011.

He's black?!? And comparable to a white person you've heard of!?!?!??!

Primus - My Name Is Mud.
The Pork Soda shirt might come second right behind that Pearl Jam/Alive shirt for middle school popularity.

Looks kinda interesting. And I've always wanted to see Gerard Butler act.

Midget is not an equally inflammatory term.

This was a weirdly apocalyptic review for a half-season that got predominantly As and Bs (and bottomed out at C+).

Nevertheless, this is a review of that very album. The claim is null.

That post makes no sense for at least a couple reasons. For one, Starky Love wasn't ever worried about whether anyone had an opinion on Tom Morello's solo thing, but rather on a John Reis project. For another, it's clear people do have opinions on Tom Morello's solo thing, since this is a review featuring one such

3D Dot Game Heroes
somewhere between LoZ and A Link to the Past, not necessarily as good as either, but it hit a lot of the right buttons nevertheless. And occasionally quite funny.

There are worse things than staged, sober discussions of complex social issues, right?
According to the people following the West Wing classic reviews: No.


Now wait several more seconds. Now continue using "we" as if it is the appropriate pronoun here. Now go down. Wait.

I agree with you too, Tito. Even Mink Car grew on me quite a lot musically (lyrics are still iffy in a lot of spots, esp. "Hovering Sombrero"), but The Spine never caught on with me. The Else, however, I could listen to top to bottom with few complaints.

And then Real World: Hawaii kicked the nonsense into overdrive.

Real World: Miami happened.

Great: most of the article
Not-so-great: That reading of S.P.E.W. is entirely tone deaf and kind of offensive. Hermione's insistence on pressing this issue is heroic *in spite of* the general indifference from others, and entirely speaks to her character. And the slavery is horrific and wrong regardless of whether the

Not that this isn't a sad fact, but this *was* the halfway point of the first season.