R. Mike

After enduring this, I think she doesn't like "stupid hows", because that's what it sounds like she saying, at least to me.

Yeah, Perdido Street Station, that one hit me when I read it.

Cave Dwellers is the one and only episode that kind of ticked me off, come on guys! Not to warn somebody that this is the sequel to Ator, the Fighting Eagle that's just evil!

I just can't make it through Red Zone Cuba or Catelina Caper. I try to watch them, and fall asleep before the first host segment starts. I always wind up waking up after the experiment is over. My theory is that my brain decided once was enough with both those movies and now it just shuts down.

I'd love to see the movie get re-released as a directors cut.

I've been eagerly awaiting this movies release so that it could bomb quickly and I would never have to seen another craptacular commercial for it ever again.

Suggestion: The Golden Compass - "Let's film a series of children's books about killing God! Who'd get upset about that?!?"

As meh as I feel about Avatar Day/The Swamp, I think worst is a toss up between The Great Divide and The Beach. While The Beach has its moments, it doesn't bear up to repeated viewings. But this is something we'll see later.

Back in the early 90's Joel and crew went to one of the big Denver Star Trek cons. About 5000 MST3K fans showed up for the Q&A and I got massively booed when I got to ask my question: Would they do a Gamerathon for the next Turkey Day?