Kneel Before Todd

So the best thing reality tv has given you, no matter how bad, immediately merits an A-? I'm afraid I don't see the logic. The show, from what I've seen, is godawful. Every episode I've watched (about 4 in the past few years) is just a bunch of eye-rollingly bad puns. It's fine if you enjoy it, but if you find endless

Thanks for the background info on Bob Harras and Bobbie Chase. It helps explain alot. While both of the big two have been reliant on constant gimmicks for the past 2 decades, I find BOTH companies "ploys" irritating in the extreme now. Especially the big pushes even a stupid character (I'm looking at you Ant Man) will

Respectfully, what you (and the article) are trying to imply is preposterous. I don't care if the creators of OUAT knew about the forthcoming Jack movie or were "anticipating" (which could just mean they were fans of Bryan Singer's) it, I am pretty certain that they created THEIR version of Jack and the Beanstalk b/c,

How on earth is this A- tv? The show is an unending cascade of double entendres and bad puns. The only 2 funnny lines came from RuPaul (one listed above) and were neither.

I stopped reading after the first few sentences due to the number of highly misleading comments. How in the name of God does this episode (written and shot months ago) "tap into the fairy tale's boost in popularity"? Not since Tea Party types accused Christopher Nolan of trying to smear Mitt Romney with Dark Knight