GOB bluth

I feel the exact same way. While I definitely enjoyed past episodes, this one has felt the most thematically coherent to me, as compared to episodes from S1 and S2. Definitely one of the best episodes of the series so far…

I may have misunderstood something, but I thought the burnt bodies were the children of the farmer.  Hence why Theon was trying to pass some gold onto the farmer to help assuage his guilt.

I may have misunderstood something, but I thought the burnt bodies were the children of the farmer.  Hence why Theon was trying to pass some gold onto the farmer to help assuage his guilt.

i felt Andy trying to get Prestige's business was a blatant rip-off of the "Micheal Scott Paper Company Storyline". I realize it ended with him going to see David Wallace, but before that it seemed exactly the same.  Why on earth they would re-hash one of the best "Office" storylines is beyond me.  Incredibly weak.

Definitely agree that the episode was an A, not an A-.  My favorite moments were:
- Jane making the napkin look like Brie
- Max walking in those pants
- Brad taking on the role of the priest from the "Like a Prayer video"

For me it was the donkey scene in Clerks 2. I was physically nauseous….
It was also the scene that made me realize that Kevin Smith is a complete hack and how miraculous it was that A) he was ever allowed to make movies in the first place and B) what an exception "Chasing Amy" was, which was clearly a one-off for him. 

I have hated Kaylie's story arcs both times Moretz  has been on the show.
And now I realize why — it IS creepy and borderline
unsettling when is Jack squaring off  with a girl barely into her teens because it is way to similar to the leaked voicemails where Baldwin went no-holds barred on his daughter who was barely

For sure the "teat-suckling" was a call back to "The Dana Carvey Show".  First thing I thought of.

I think one reason we feel so bad about Dale's death is that the writers took a page out of season 4 of Dexter (SPOILER ALERT).  In season 4, Rita was annoying as shit and many of us wished she were dead, making us feel even worse when she actually died in the season 4 finale. Same with Dale this week.  He really was

Totally agree. The lowest point was Carl walking in on the group just before they shot Randall.

Definitely think that the Ava/Kevin thing bumped the grade to a C. Also while I thought the Yvonne character was great and well written, I hated the Luke character. I think a foil for Reagan at work could potentially be a good idea, but I found Luke annoying and unnecessary.

At least they try harder than that actor who was trying to do a Dutch accent. He sounded like an effeminate Arnold Schwarzenegger.

I also don't think they were aired out of order.  In fact, last episode Max was wearing a "spring smackdown" shirt which I assumed was a bit of foreshadowing. 
If this in fact was foreshadowing, I think we might be approaching Arrested Development Territory here people!

I think it is a bit more than Nick being a curmudgeon.  I really disliked the way he dragged Jess away from Schmidt's room.  She is a grown woman (physically if not mentally) and can decide who to sleep with. He was being a total cock-blocker. The worst kind of cock-blocker in fact — one who secretly has the hots for

I have definitely noticed the bleeping — in fact I think it has occurred in every episode of "Up All Night".  I just figured it was a thing they were doing .  . .

Did anyone else catch that Terry(Terri?) the gender neutral doll was dressed exactly like Liz was? Hilarious.

I actually thought it was "brain camp".

But the real question is: can E convince Vincent Chase to star in Matterhorn?

Not really.  It just that A) I have kids and B) I would never deface a picture of them especially to win another person's  Chirstmas bonus.  Remember that Andy said that if they pranked one another the other person would get both bonuses.  However if no pranking occurred, then they would both in theory each  get their

With Jim defacing the picture of his daughter, he has officially moved from slightly jerkish to full fledged asshole…