Lemon of Troy

Funny timing. I was just editing my comment to add that detail.

In one of the recent Back to the Future comics, Doc travels to 2015—and happens to drive right into a nostalgia-fueled classic car convention, where he wins a prize for his jazzed-up Delorean. He then finances his adventures by selling 1930's comic books.

Ted Cruz has got to be the least Jon Snowy person ever, unless this is based entirely on them both pouting a lot.

Ah… The days when Nixon was the Republican politician who seemed evil enough to be allied with the devil.

Oh I've wasted my life.

If it's brown, you're in cider town!

Looks like "Brighter Days" got a shtick that isn't about pretending to want to become President.

Oh, OK AV Club, I'll get along with them. Then, I will hug some snakes! Yes, I will hug and kiss some poisonous snakes!

I'm getting too emotional over this.

You having wage problems?
I feel bad for you, hon.
I got 99 problems, but a witch ain't one.

"You are hearing me talk."

He called shit "poop!"

As I watch this video, I can't help but feel like it should be cutting to Beavis and Butthead on the couch every now and then.

Yeah, screw this Pokemon Go crap. The Flintstone Phone is where it's at!

Jars full of urine?

They took the fragrance off the market because they found out it was poisonous. But if you ask me, if you're dumb enough to eat it, you deserve to die.

It was just a funny rhyme, but it if helps—imagine something smelly in a jar.

Oh jeez.

The Bell Jar? More like The Smell Jar! Amirite?

I know some kids who are going to be very embarrassed when they get older.