
It's Leap Day William and/or Leap Dave Williams!  V. impt. distinction!

It's Leap Day William and/or Leap Dave Williams!  V. impt. distinction!

Sells Jenna short a lot.  She is amazing.

Sells Jenna short a lot.  She is amazing.

What Wes said.

What Wes said.

Bonne Bell sponsored a nice road race (10k I think?) in Boston in the early '80s.  My grandmother, mother, and sister all ran in it together. 

Bonne Bell sponsored a nice road race (10k I think?) in Boston in the early '80s.  My grandmother, mother, and sister all ran in it together. 

It's pretty astounding.  It's in the category of so bad it's … not good, but kind of transcendent.  I've never done drugs but I feel as if I had because I watched the Star Wars Holiday Special.  The low-quality video-to-DVD transfer enhances the effect.

It's pretty astounding.  It's in the category of so bad it's … not good, but kind of transcendent.  I've never done drugs but I feel as if I had because I watched the Star Wars Holiday Special.  The low-quality video-to-DVD transfer enhances the effect.

Getting involved with a manic pixie dreamgirl (a clever phrase I just thought up).

Getting involved with a manic pixie dreamgirl (a clever phrase I just thought up).

Seriously.  It's painful.  I read A Man In Full once, quickly, a long time ago, but I still remember there was a rap lyric that had a phrase like "shanks akimbo." 

Seriously.  It's painful.  I read A Man In Full once, quickly, a long time ago, but I still remember there was a rap lyric that had a phrase like "shanks akimbo." 

What makes this particular post is "to be honest."

What makes this particular post is "to be honest."

Yes, she actually reminded me of Australians I actually met, as broad as it all was.  Her accent was a wild exaggeration but in a good, funny way.

Yes, she actually reminded me of Australians I actually met, as broad as it all was.  Her accent was a wild exaggeration but in a good, funny way.

But, dimples!

But, dimples!