Except that drunk bros do stuff like that reasonably often. Look up Peter Dinklage's Golden Globe speech last year.
Except that drunk bros do stuff like that reasonably often. Look up Peter Dinklage's Golden Globe speech last year.
Goddamn they licensed Black Skinheads fast. I still can't decide if I like the Marilyn Manson drums.
My guess is that by if the coasts were decimated, humanity would not be able to handle a terrible plague. The simultaneous destruction of San Francisco, Los Angeles, New York, Boston, Miami, maybe Houston, etc. would not leave the United States in a position where it could coordinate an effective disease response,…
A lot of people feel that way. And I'd argue that says more about you and today's culture than it does about Superman. People used to love him, and they still do, but now they love him less. Because the things we value in a superhero have changed. That's I think it's hard to make a Superman movie. You have to make a…
The Captain America film was great, and now he gets to be portrayed as a 'man out of time' where his 40s values clash with his experiences in the world of today. I'm looking forward to The Winter Soldier.
I have to agree wholeheartedly. Kanye is completely sincere as a person and as an artist, even when he's being completely full of shit, and that's hard for a lot of people to deal with or even understand.
I think it's tough as hell to make a great Superman movie in this day and age. Superman is a hero of the 1940s more than even Captain America. In an era of massive wars, nuclear bombs, and polio, people wanted to be Superman because people were desperate to be invincible. But Superman's invincibility was always…
Pacific Rim?
The show is obviously aware of what it looks like and [SPOILER] the fallacy of the trope catches up with her once she decides to try and actually rule Mereen.
The show is completely aware how ridiculous that scene was.
I would argue that the show is well aware just how problematic Dany and all her imperialist implications are.
Honestly I think it's Podrick.
I actually think Arya and Sansa have the same arc, or at least mirroring arcs. they're just women in a horribly sexist, violent world adapting their Stark idealism to actually surviving.
@avclub-a404424d64bf675a4a58cd01a66532fe:disqus You're in luck, the fourth book focuses almost ONLY on the intrigue going on and around King's Landing.
He had lost the war, he wasn't dead. There is a big difference.
I don't even remember what you wrote in the review comments, and I didn't respond, but I remember thinking "Wow, this guy is a total asshole, fuck him." I think it was just how you wrote it that struck a nerve. Wish I could tell you what it was.
@avclub-a43012a332fc066e7ecf57a9b678fb51:disqus You're completely right, and it just goes to show the importance of not seeming weak. Even when Tywin was down, he still seemed strong.
If you lack the ability to reconcile the horrors of your past into something you can live with and even tell a good story about… I'm glad I'm not you. I accept the von Trapp in me. Particularly when I consider my familial pop culture mentors.
Nah, just a couple good songs on Wuguzi.