Peppermint Larry

when I tried to watch this movie, I never made it past the first scene….
So they put an envelope in the guy's jacket, thats the same size as the one they steal, but he doesn't notice that he has only one envelope in his jacket, not two. Nor does he think its weird that a random stranger asks him to deliver money, that

when I tried to watch this movie, I never made it past the first scene….
So they put an envelope in the guy's jacket, thats the same size as the one they steal, but he doesn't notice that he has only one envelope in his jacket, not two. Nor does he think its weird that a random stranger asks him to deliver money, that

damn wiener kids

damn wiener kids

The problem was they didnt go all out like South park and make a borderline unrated super movie. They just made a long, PG-13 episode.

The problem was they didnt go all out like South park and make a borderline unrated super movie. They just made a long, PG-13 episode.



i found it hilarious in the theater as well. Only part i really laughed at

i found it hilarious in the theater as well. Only part i really laughed at

I showed "Nightcrawlers" to my swim group of 8-10 year olds during a lightening storm a few years ago, and they looovvveeed it. I gave them no context whatsoever just played it because I happened to have the DVD in my bag because I was going to loan it to a co-worker. I wasn't sure if they were going to like it as

he went to go see his favorite doors cover band, the Crystal Shit, at the Sand bar.

If you do think about it, the verse can be translated to Homer's situation. Homer "he" leaves church "them", to go into his own religion "Bethany" and enjoys it "lodges there". He eventually comes into an enlightment and returns to church.

Whats the song playing at 1:22…right when Will Smith wakes up in 1969?

Stu's excessive maiming of the scarecrow is so awesome - he was only looking for directions Mr. Helpful Farmer!

That Lance/Landry one is so amazing. Holy crap.

I'm pretty sure that its Little Jerry.

so you would rather have people sitting in a bakery repeating the word 'babka' forty times? How is that funnier than-
"If you told me ten years ago that I'd be standing here about to solve the world's energy problems, I would have called you crazy. Now, lets push this giant ball of oil out the window…."

One of my favorite exchanges of all time is Kramer and the Internship dean.

I agree on both counts.