
Davis & Main are "deliciously Anal Retentive."

Yep, I'm there. We don't need Gus now, for gawd's sake. Just give me a camera shot of some of the characters from BCS enjoying lunch at that Los Pollos Hermanos. No Gus, just the eatery.

Couldn't agree more, DJD. Any of us that have made a major sale KNEW that she'd be letting out a big ol' "YYYESSS!"

I truly feel sorry for the readers here in A. V. Club that have read the comic books of The Walking Dead. They all seem to be interested in things moving along quickly, instead of just watching what happened in any given episode, and to quit worrying about Negan. Enjoy the episodes while you have them, there ain't

No, no, he understands why he's culpable, but he doesn't have to like it. Jimmy's glass is half-full. What Jimmy did IS genuinely wrong, IF you buy the fact that the partners run the show in these law firms. ALL of the show. Don't let this bother you, my friend. Embrace it. It's gonna get SO much better.

Howard vouched for Jimmy with Davis / Main. Look, I've worked in corporate Hades in the past. That's EXACTLY how they work. They want to be brought on board to make EVERY decision. EVERY ONE OF THEM. Attorneys HATE surprises. "We only ask questions that we already know the answer to." Douche 201.

Yeah, no way that the people working continuity for BCS are gonna screw that up. WAAAY too much attention to detail here.

Man, you missed a GREAT episode. Give that episode the Netflix treatment. You'll be glad you did. It defines Mike.

All of the BB fans KNOW that Tuco ain't takin' a bullet here from Mike, so that's out. Nice pull by the writers to come up with a great answer to a tough question involving these two.

Hey! Watch that smack-down on HACF. It's VERY good!

This. And Nacho didn't get an answer to his question of, "Why?" — Because Mike'd have to dust off his "I got paid to do a job, and I did it, no more, no less" line.

Or commercial spots, right, Jimmy?

Jimmy's gettin' fired over this commercial. Kim's goin' to get fired, too. Carnage.

Kim's going to get fired over this, too.

Jimmy's spot would receive approval? That's just not even so, no WAY! They screwed with the other commercial's SWIRL, for gawd's sake. "Too nebulous?" hehe… They would have torn Jimmy's work apart. I oughta know, I'm just like Cliff when it comes to needing to see EVERYTHING before it gets the companies' approval.

She's not clueless… She KNOWS what he's capable of, but wants him to use his powers for good, instead of evil. She likes him, she WANTS him to succeed, the right way. She'll be ticked next week, no footsies for sure, now.

Me, too. I'm guessing Tuco has to go. I'd be saving Mr. Fring for about two seasons from now.

DUDE! Jimmy's assistant tells him that the partners were micromanaging over how the freaking SWIRL was supposed to look like before giving the "go-ahead" on their mesothelioma commercial. They would have HATED Jimmy's commercial. It NEVER would have run, or would have gone thru so many re-writes, that it would have

Gold star on this post. WE love Jimmy / Saul for what we're anticipating from him in future situations, but we despise Chuck for continually playing is safe, while chopping down his brother with the same motion.

All this hatred for Charles McGill (Me, too), but, deep down, you might admit what Charles said to Jimmy when Jimmy figured out Charles had called Hamlin to tip him off… "Deep down, you know Chuck is right!"