Alex has such a refined palate.
Alex has such a refined palate.
"I just have one of those faces that says 'Where are you eating?' because my mouth is in my face and that's what my mouth is saying."
Dave has gotten wayyyyyy better. I can't hate any of them.
…and now it's purchased. It's catchy as hell! No regrets!
"Just to clarify, Young Grasshopper isn't your gay category because you don't have the legs, and YOU OLD, BITCH!" I love Derek.
Oh shit…. the fact that they released the actual song makes me like this episode A LOT more…
I'm a garbanzo bean. And if I was a lesbian, I'd be a Chick Pea.
"Dios, mio!"
it's next to Club Tush.
"Jane, you dumb lamp post, your plan is garbage!"
…wining, dining and 79ing them, hopefully.
The girl who played the celebrity played one of the Madisons from the season 2 mean girls episode. Alex didn't recognize her?
Adam Pally covered in yogurt? *swoon*
Heat 2: It's Getting Hot Up in Hurr
I can't believe they got away with that jerk circle joke, I bet it totally flew over the ABC Standards and practices' heads!
Sqwack about us now! Sqwack about us now! Sqwack about us now!
and Max is one of the chosen people. (gay)
and Max is one of the chosen people. (gay)
Yeah but calling him Newman made me roll on the floor laughing.
Yeah but calling him Newman made me roll on the floor laughing.