
HA! I thought I was going to be the unfortunate thread starter of the cover the Mentalist campaign


Netflix recommended me Morgan Spurlock's 30 Days after watching Toddlers and Tiaras, ugh.

say what.

The trailer for Free Agents wasn't funny but previews for comedies rarely are. It did however give the impression that it could blossom into an enjoyable show, glad you guys(or whoever wrote the blurb) enjoyed the pilot.

There's a big dead spot in the middle of the season where it seems 90% of those subplots existed within. I think the complaints about the drop in quality are overblown(bit of a straw man to your post, please excuse me).

I wish I could say that it doesn't matter since he's such a talented actor(Bright Star, Assassination of Jesse James, All the real girls etc) and he'll get bigger and better roles but it hasn't really happened for him yet.

I found the Wilson segments nauseating, I'd be happy if I was less aware of him.

Chronicles the cut throat world of teenage cooking competition

I used to read Silver Blades.

Big Trucks by Pedro the Lion

Great workout track