
People just hate women actresses for the most part.  There are a few exceptions but all I ever hear is people complain about them in movies and TV shows.  Actors get free passes because the writers often explore men much more where as writing for a woman is often extremely limited and difficult.  Probably the only 2

People just hate women actresses for the most part.  There are a few exceptions but all I ever hear is people complain about them in movies and TV shows.  Actors get free passes because the writers often explore men much more where as writing for a woman is often extremely limited and difficult.  Probably the only 2

They don't air till July 2013 but the cast and crew will be done filming the show probably sometime in February or March.

They don't air till July 2013 but the cast and crew will be done filming the show probably sometime in February or March.

Well the pilot isn't a guaranteed pickup.  Even from HBO they like to film the pilot and show it to all the executives and in several months decide whether to pick up the show for a full season.  I know the Sopranos pilot was filmed in late 1997 and didn't receive a pickup till December 1997.  They then filmed the

Well the pilot isn't a guaranteed pickup.  Even from HBO they like to film the pilot and show it to all the executives and in several months decide whether to pick up the show for a full season.  I know the Sopranos pilot was filmed in late 1997 and didn't receive a pickup till December 1997.  They then filmed the

The milk has run dry Showtime?  When do you think they realize this with Dexter?

The milk has run dry Showtime?  When do you think they realize this with Dexter?

Regardless it isn't better than the season 3 finale

Regardless it isn't better than the season 3 finale

Definitely a better scenario because he won't be on that atrocious network Showtime which likes to run its shows too long.  HBO lets its shows bow out gracefully if they aren't cancelled.  Not to mention I'd take Breaking Bad over Six Feet Under no question.

Definitely a better scenario because he won't be on that atrocious network Showtime which likes to run its shows too long.  HBO lets its shows bow out gracefully if they aren't cancelled.  Not to mention I'd take Breaking Bad over Six Feet Under no question.

Paulie is still my favorite supporting character, followed by Silvio.

Paulie is still my favorite supporting character, followed by Silvio.

Doubtful it only takes them a month and a half to finish the last 8 episodes.  It took them 3 months to film these upcoming 8 episodes.  They for some reason like to take their time filming Breaking Bad.  Season 4 last year was filmed January till June.  Not to mention they will probably call it quits a couple weeks

Doubtful it only takes them a month and a half to finish the last 8 episodes.  It took them 3 months to film these upcoming 8 episodes.  They for some reason like to take their time filming Breaking Bad.  Season 4 last year was filmed January till June.  Not to mention they will probably call it quits a couple weeks

It's annoying how they released the Sopranos on Dvd and Blu Ray when a ton of extras weren't considered standard for TV releases from HBO.  The Wire doesn't have that many commentaries or extras as well.  Now a days you have Mad Men with 1 or 2 commentaries on every episode.  Same with Breaking Bad season 4. Freaking

It's annoying how they released the Sopranos on Dvd and Blu Ray when a ton of extras weren't considered standard for TV releases from HBO.  The Wire doesn't have that many commentaries or extras as well.  Now a days you have Mad Men with 1 or 2 commentaries on every episode.  Same with Breaking Bad season 4. Freaking

I'm not sure what Todd means about Paulie coincidentally being the only one left alive at the end of the series.  Chase and Co. obviously toyed with killing Paulie because of that scene where Tony was about to kill him but had a change of heart.  I think Chase and Co. decided not to kill him because they had

I'm not sure what Todd means about Paulie coincidentally being the only one left alive at the end of the series.  Chase and Co. obviously toyed with killing Paulie because of that scene where Tony was about to kill him but had a change of heart.  I think Chase and Co. decided not to kill him because they had