
The Black-Eyed Peas performance is the all-time arguement on why you don't hire a shit-for-brains sound guy, even if he is your brother-in-law's second cousin. The sound itself was trash. Everything phased in and out, some microphones weren't at level, etc.

I used to work for Gannett newspapers. People all talk about how print is a dying medium. I can tell from my experience, it's dying because a whole bunch of suits were trying a bunch of failed experiments to maintain their relevance, instead of trying to put out a damn good paper.

I guess Billy West is polishing up his resume?

But will it sync to Dark Side of the Moon?
Or will we just have to spike Justin Bieber's Mountain Dew until he cancome up with something?

I'd pick you up in my Fiero, but it's in the shop. Looks like I'll have to take mom's Geo Prism.

Pantera +1
Punch new guy in throat +1

Is that what she said when she was tied up in Seacrest's basement?

Brink —

See, this is what I mean… we Christians make delicious chicken sandwiches six days a week, debate our God's existence with non-believers and funnel money from quasi-Christian movies to (gasp) quasi-Christian organizations.

This is what pisses me off. I'm a Christian. A few weeks ago PorkChop sandwich wanted to shit down my throat because I criticized a Simpsons episode that not only satirized Christianity, but didn't even care enough to satirize what Christians actually believe in (unlike Life of Brian, Dogma, and George Carlin, which

Stewart actually had a pretty good exchange with Bill O'Reilly a couple of months back. Say what you want about Bill, but he is capable of showing respect to marquee guests (see also his interviews with Michael Moore, Marilyn Manson, Ben Affleck).

As a conservative-leaning Independent, all I've got to say about Sarah is NOOOOOOOOOOOO! I usually vote Repub (except when the guy the GOP puts up is either an RNC puppet or a retarded son of an ex-president).

The results show was terrible; I used to be a first-auditions to finale watcher. Now its sporatic at best; every three weeks I need to look at the train wreck that is AI. Opening number sucked with the lip-synch (and botched camera work). The Africa thing with Diabetic Goat Boy and Kara doing her best 'does it look

What's all this controversy about the 'Double Down'? So what if I like having sex with two retarded….

Why am I hearing in my head the voice of an unseen narrator doing E!'s True Hollywood Story five years from now, going "And that was the last straw for Brian…" over a bunch of grainy black and white photos?

The New Orleans Times Picayune (www.nola.com) had a terrific article chronicling his days in N.O. He WAS lazy. He smoked pot, watched a lot of daytime TV, lived in a downtrodden neighborhood off That 70's Show royalties, picking up very odd jobs (as dishwasher) when he needed extra cash.

FWIW, djbc makes awesome Beatle/Beastie Boys mashups. So good, that the suits representing the fab four made him remove them from his website. They still can be found on youtube and torrents (if anyone is into that sorta thing).

It's right there in the book of Isayso, King Bottle Version.


I really like Casey, too, but Kara going all Barfly Milf everytime he's up there ruins it for me. Hate Bowersox just for the name and the 'empowering women' like Miley signing her guitar.