hercules rockefeller

Yeah, neither one of them is being honest with each other if they think they can pull this off as easily as they seem to think they can. move to NY in a couple years, possibly with an infant and leaving behind an emotionally fragile 18 yr old son? Sure, why not! have a baby out of wedlock at the age of 40? No problem!

I guess working for the man, even in a studio he founded, just wouldn't be Crosby's cup of tea? I'm trying here… I don't know, you'd think they could work out something. If these guys want the luncheonette mostly for it's cachet, and presuming it's providing positive cash flow, I could see them leaving him with quite

Just like he made the very expensive promise to her spontaneously…

Add to that list that he finally managed to make Jasmine relate to him as a peer instead of treating him like a child and I think you've got a pretty solid case there.

The offer to buy out the luncheonette was about as ridiculous as Adam getting fired from his last job and not suing for wrongful termination. In particular, the guy who wants to buy him out mentions that they'll cover the lease and all the startup costs (without knowing exactly what those figures would be) plus a huge

Zeke kept it up his ass while he was a POW back in 'Nam

Yeah, and it's not like the writing wasn't on the wall a couple of episodes back when both Crosby and Jasmine were using them to make the other jealous. Tough break for Dr Prestige, but he should have no problem picking up some more single moms at the pediatrician's office.

I think they went back to lip syncing and/or using backing tracks or whatever they're called a couple months ago. My wife and I both noticed that Robyn looked like she was lip syncing, and ever since then the vocals for every band have been crystal-clear. The vocals since then contrast sharply with about 90% of all

The AV Club ran a fawning editorial titled "we love the new Dawes album and here's why you should too" a while back. It came off as borderline ad copy and the commenters ripped them in the comments section. I didn't read it at the time so I don't get what the big deal is about it, I guess you kind had to be there.

Probably someone was betting you'd click on the link… Looks like they were right.

I think Clark J Clark has it right; it's not so much that Reservoir Dogs isn't aging well as it is that it wasn't a really great masterpiece of a movie to begin with (and to a lesser extent, the same hold true for Pulp Fiction). But at the time it kinda seemed that way, particularly to those of us who saw in their

Not sure if I agree with you there; I just watched Pulp Fiction on Blu-ray  the weekend before last and enjoyed it completely. But I held out it on DVD, so it had probably been 5 years or so since I last watched it. I could see how it would wear out it's welcome with regular viewing.


What else are you going to do on Dec. 28th?

I suspect that was also a function of which actors could still resemble themselves 7 years' younger. Somehow I think Frakes was a few scotches past playing Riker from "Farpoint".

That must be it. I haven't been watching the episodes quite as religiously throughout season 7, it's been 1 a week at the most. I wanted to watch Genesis, on account of it's horrible reputation, but couldn't get to it.

It actually would have been a fine finale for TOS had Leonard Nimoy not enjoyed making the movie enough to come up with the idea for the "remember" line with McCoy in engineering.

OK, I'm following you so far, but one question… So if I bring an anti-sandwhich to work, that changes "Spends hours commenting about decades-old Sci-Fi show while ignoring customers" into "works through lunch, gets paid overtime", right?

I thought Q had a couple of nice lines referencing a couple of the cheesier recurring bits of TNG:

Part of the problem the third issue brings up is the fact that if Picard really did create the whole problem to begin with, why does he pass the test simply for managing to guess the solution, when the a problem wouldn't have existed to begin with, if Picard (and by extension, humanity), hadn't gone around screwing