hercules rockefeller

fair enough, Alurin, but anytime one performs the flying two-footed kick to the chest gets an honarary mention as well.

diagonals FTW. And once you hit the PT boat, you're well on the way to victory, becuase you can skip two diagonals on each row instead of one. Also, group your ships together in a big clump to confuse your opponent. he may spend the whole game spreading shells around and never get one of your ships, or he may get

I cheated in Clue and got away with it, until I felt guilty and told everyone about it. Seriously, who lets a 7 yr old put the cards in the envelope and then doesn't figure it out when he wins in about 4 moves?

Why didn't they just make the minesweeper trailer into a movie? I guarantee you that trailer alone will be more entertaining that this whole damn movie.

yeah. more or less, but with more montages and much, much cheesier. for example, there's a scene in which the titular Navy SEAls, having suffered some sort of defeat, are ordered to get some state-side R&R. They procede cavort around a golf course* wearing muscle shirts and hot pink shorts. Hopefully that gives you a

I'll go with the end of Toy Story 3 - both the scene in the incinerator and when Andy gives the toys to Bonnie (although I suppose the former is more bittersweet than sad, it still tugs at the heartstrings).

You're right, that is pretty sad. At least you would've gotten out of the stock market in april of 2000, or some obvious shit like that, right?

I think that speaks to the question of Q's honesty as well. Surely Picard's absence in the captain's chair would have had SOME impact on history, given all of the things he's been involved in. And at the very least, there would have been different crew members onboard the enterprise, as someone else mentions above.

Absolutely the TWOK uniforms. the flap might have been a bit cheesy, but it gives the characters something dramatic to do with their uniforms when the going gets tough, Kinda analogous to rolling up one's shirtsleeves. and every uniform needs something superflous to add a bit of style. Kinda like epaulet's on a

Yep. And Gowron's the best part. Thanks Soylent!

I'm with Fat Lee here - with some of the shit I pulled back in the day I could have easily have ended up dead or in prison, but instead I've got a decently normal life. I don't regret much of it despite how stupid alot of what I did was, because I've learned that sometimes you can act the fool and pull it off through

The Stop Short FTW
Still use it to this day!

That's a half-baked argument. The $10 million for the canvas is not for the medium, but rather for the collectability of the original painting. Sure, you're technically correct in stating that the medium adds to the value in question,but that's only because the medium in question (an original canvas from a famous

It's not just movie theaters - many otherwise honest people see nothing wrong with stealing as long as they're not going to get caught and nothing tangible is taken (see for example, music piracy). Some how the fact that the movie theater already received there revenue from one ticket, and that you were not likely to

Risk is part of going to the Movies.
isn't seeing something you've never seen before part of the fun of going to the movies? Isn't that why we all get pissed off about spoilers? If seeing something completely new (so yourself, at least) and potentially unexpected weren't part of the appeal of going out to the movies,

They had a studio audience, but they couldn't shoot it 100% straight through like you could shoot an episode of a more traditional sitcom (just for example, something like "All In The Family" IIRC some scenes were taped w/o the studio audience (for example any of the outdoors NYC scenes), and then played back to the

I think cannibal corpse definitely deserves a mention here. My friend owned "ERFAVC" (there's no way I'm typing that out on my PC at work) in highschool and for some reason it was both grimly fascinating and disturbing to my 15 yr old mind. I ended up listening to that album many times more than the actual music

I used to live next to a guy who literally embodied the term "Stop and Chat". I'd go to take the trash out, and 20 minutes later my wife would have to come rescue me. But he was a really nice guy though - he could make a freind in about 10 minutes flat just by talking to them. Made me feel kinda crappy when I would

the only, and I mean ONLY reason I ever get on espn.com is that my fantasy football league is on ESPN.com. There's got to be at least a half dozen better websites out there for fantasy football out there, but everyone else in the league likes it so I'm SOL.

Yeah, that's pretty much the gist of it, Miller. SI is fairly run-of-the-mill in their day to day sports coverage these days, but the in-depth stories they run can still be pretty damn good. And the classic ones are top-notch. check out the feature on Marge Schott from the early 90's - they paint such an unflattering