
I guess I was predisposed not to like this. I complained last time about having two shipping episodes in a row. Now after a two week hiatus we get yet another? It's starting to feel like a show being dragged downhill by some of its fanbase. Adventure Time shouldn't be ABOUT this stuff.

I think it's just a lazy joke. The thing is we've already seen Peebles act in heroic and empathic ways with nothing to do with self-interest.


Killing somebody to use their skin as a cloak is chillingly sociopathic. Not telling Finn that his silly plan will actually help to free a musical lemon… isn't.


I think you may have been reading into that one a bit too far.

Sure, there was a progression in style between Boom Boom Mountain and Sons of Mars, but they were both still imaginative, hilarious adventures. I'd take another of those episodes over this one any day.

…of Castle Lemongrad.

The lemonjohn (see what I did there?) was by far and away the best thing about this episode.

"All Your Fault", "Puhoy", and "BMO Lost" have been three shining beacons in an otherwise very weak season.


In this context it means an annoyed interjection. So, ach.

Ach - Ach
mein - my
Glöb - Glob.

Mmm, I don't think it was callousness. I think he just thought they could both handle themselves. He did the same stuff to Flame Princess. When it got out of hand he saved Ice King and sincerely apologised to him as you would to a  friend. It actually struck me in exactly the opposite way… as a rare display of Finn's

Lemongrab's obesity was truly horrific when I realised the reason.

Ah, I just noticed how Finn's final dream exactly mirrors the ending. Finn is all different-dimensonal-plane-wah-wah because his explanation to FP is total nonsense to her. So she burns/dumps him, and then Finn acts like a baby in a man's body throwing a paddy with his immature "but I said sorry".

Oh God, I just realised that Raggedy Princess is basically a sock.

The whole letter was hilarious. I loved little Finn's adrenaline-inducing scream before he speed-wrote it. And I have a feeling that the 'face cheeks' thing was a typo, but you have to admit he was bang on about her candles being heinous.

There's an episode called 'Too Old'?

Finn sure enjoyed watching Flame Princess beating on his… Simon…