
I don't really think it's as simple as the bad guys becoming good guys. I think the show's always been about grey areas. The Hound never seemed evil. Nor did Theon. You could see how they were both motivated by external pressures. The canonical "protagonists" have been just as ambiguous. Cat Stark irrationally tried

How ever did you think of such a delightful, intricate pun? And pertinent, too! Clearly we are in the presence of a masterful intellect.

@avclub-9ff7c9eb9d37f434db778f59178012da:disqus I can see you're still flagging, so I made a flow chart for you to make it super duper easy for you.

It wasn't sad face though, it was "seriously bad news, Daenerys"-face.

No I wouldn't slag you off. This is because there is a difference between saying "I enjoyed the books" and TELLING US WHAT HAPPENS IN THEM.

I think there's zero chance that Frey would simply let Edmure go and continue the rebellion.

Oh, how inconvenient for you. Now I totally understand why you instead opted to ask them to answer your huge question about the future of the series, in a place SPECIFICALLY DESIGNED for people to avoid spoilers.

Right, "imagined spoilers" such as "don't worry about the show getting boring guys, I can promise you that something huge is going to happen".

"Experts, without giving away anything major, can you please post whether the entire series is resolved?"

@avclub-f463e17f6cc08e94ad2359bacd218381:disqus "the real world doesn't have dragons and vagina smoke monster, don't give me shit about realism"

I agree that he's probably for the chop.

Yes he wanted it to feel pointless. The real world doesn't work according to predictable narrative tropes like a Shakespeare play. That's like, exactly the point. And the fact it fails to adhere to your expectations is surely the definition of "interesting".

How on Earth does that even work. If you're drinking out of your own skull, where is your mouth supposed to be, exactly?

It seems like Daenerys is still a few years away. Her dragons are still very small.

That feeling you're feeling right now.

Yes that is a spoiler you idiot. Why can't you keep it to your damn self? Is your life really so empty of achievements that showing off the fact that you have successfully read a book is the only way you can feel special?

Walder just secured like, the entire freaking North for the Lannisters. He's betrayed his King and his Lord… I highly doubt he did that for a couple of nephews??

@avclub-be0f8833e0c38be119979a949a2da1cf:disqus One presumes Melisandre would have corrected him if that's a problem.

Yes, I'm aware of the plot… it's just that Robb had no reason to think Frey would, you know, murder him and his family. He wasn't a foe. He was going there to deliver to Frey what Frey had (apparently) bargained for. Frey's behaviour was an unparalleled level of depravity - nobody in Westeros violates the guest right.

…there's almost nothing bad about Tyrion.