
Literally just the first four crime movies she can think of, plus one she didn’t like at all. Favorites!

Personally I just think it’s weird that there were no references to the (bad) Hollow Man, which also had the invisible man as an abusive ex-boyfriend with shitty boundaries (although technically I think it was the invisibility that drove him crazy, he was by no means sympathetic). It sounds like this movie made a more

Jesus, have all the recommended articles section had jokes and I didn’t notice until now? Or is A League of Their Own.... in a league of its own? I mean it is, obviously, that part is kind of rhetorical.

Since I live in a liberal bubble it’s helpful for me to know that this content exists, that it’s actually watched by real live people, and what kind of content it actually contains so that when I meet these people I know a little bit more about what’s going on in their heads. I don’t read it with hate, exactly, more

Because he had all the time in the world to aim that little pocket deringer at a person standing stock-still, and then had to pull the 22, avoid getting shot, and chase a moving target.

I mean, what kind of stuff does this person usually type that “footsome” comes up as an autocorrect.

Dozens? How old are you, and do you live on a busy road? I’d think after the first dozen bit it maybe you’d switch to an indoor pet situation. Anyhoo. Cats have emotions but they also have fewer facial muscles than humans or even dogs. Ergo you have to have experience with dozens in order to read them well, and the

 I really liked Fahrehheit 9/11, George Bush was a very bad President. And - Michael Moore distorts facts, uses egregious lies of omission, and has no interest in engaging anyone who doesn’t already agree with him.

Not so much “the busy” as the pen doodles, wite-out and tape that let you know it’s intentionally evoking the kind of art kids put on their book covers.

But that is the true insult. Ruining his life is the injury. Doing it for a dollar (i.e. for the fun of it, not even for gain) is the insult.

Counterpoint: Life is way too short to watch a movie you don’t like three times. You already gave it a second chance, move on.

Look. Listen. Only 6 of these are rebus puzzles. The rest just depict the content of the film. And the greatness of the hudsucker proxy emoji is balanced out by the awfulness of the raising arizona emoji.

Thank God. I had convinced myself the remake with Catherine Zeta Jones was called Haunting of Hill House and that’s what you made him watch.

Eh. Not all marvel mutants have super powers. Some of them just look funny. And “super powers” are a spectrum. Pixie makes mildly hallucinogenic dust (I don’t read enough comics to say with certainty, but in the ones I’ve read she’s never been able to use it to more than somewhat disorient someone) and, I guess, can

“She was the first person in New Who who truly felt like the Doctor’s partner, and not just his plucky companion who was along for the ride.”

You can’t have people over. Your employers may be able - legally or through other pressure - to restrict whether you can drink, smoke, eat what you like, have access to necessary shared spaces (kitchen, laundry, etc.) on a restricted schedule, etc., unless there is a full suite for servants. On your “time off,” you

I will probably never watch enough quantum leap to know whether this is accurate, but I feel enriched just reading it.

The boot/jacket is also strongly nineties, when thigh socks ruled the nation’s music videos.

I know “best, ranked” lists traditionally go from worst to best, but based on the write-ups it is not at all clear why any of these are on the list at all, or which end of the list is the good end. The author seems to think all vacation episodes except the Australia one are trash that might have a moment or two. Which