
Michigan State is division I.

Scruff McGruff
Chicago, Illinois 60652

When you live in a place as awesome as Southern California, who cares about the rest of the world? It's cold and sometimes cloudy elsewhere.

Isn't the point of this show that it is filled with crazy twists and plot holes?

Will Wiggy be a permanent cast member?

I'm thinking the site is trying to retool to attract a larger non-AV Club type audience.

Just make the movie. I promise not to read the script beforehand.

I thought it was great the first time I heard it. By the fourth time, I wanted to murder that adorable girl singing.

Full House is no joking matter.

The delightful friend.

Aren't you supposed to hate this song? Isn't that kind of the point?

So this is like Reddit, the TV show?

Let's heal our rift with some smoked salmon pizza.

Have you had pizza with smoked salmon?

I love pizza with fish.

This is actually showing you that young people watch Bob's Burgers.

Ryan Reynolds bought every single known copy, print and home video recording and had them all destroyed.

Are you asking me? I'm pretty amoral so I'm okay with that.

You are correct. It's too bad the real story of W. was glossed over.

Correction: I called for Fareed Zakaria's head. In your defense, no one listened to me. Also, Fareed Zakaria is a hack.