

Say what you will but Murder, She Wrote, was a very good show.

Hey, if Cabazon counts as Los Angeles, Pasedena surely does.

Season five is skippable. Season 2? hell no!

Wow. Really going out on a limb hating a Nickleback song.

This show will age poorly. I'm sure everyone already forgot all the songs that are featured in the first season.

Can't you use some of the Ford Fiesta money for a decent commenting system?

I'm so excited!

Lisa needs braces

Disqus is a piece of garbage. Why do you, and so many other sites, use this horrible system?

This just sounds like typical reddit.

Warning: Illegal.

Is Billy Corgan still alive?

I like their threat to kick someone's ass in. Whatever that means.

Pretty sure those were just Oakland accents.

I wouldn't call her neurotic.

Blue Jasmine was set in San Francisco, not New York.

I'm starting to wonder if this movie was actually filmed on Earth instead of space.

Brian Doyle-Murray and Bill Murray are full brothers not half brothers.

These articles keep getting shorter.