
No one will read this because this review went up four months ago and this comment will be on the second page, but I feel I must point out that it was actually a FRIENDS episode playing in the background at the hospital, not JOEY.  Joey had purchased a boat at a silent auction (thinking he just had to guess the price,

No one will read this because this review went up four months ago and this comment will be on the second page, but I feel I must point out that it was actually a FRIENDS episode playing in the background at the hospital, not JOEY.  Joey had purchased a boat at a silent auction (thinking he just had to guess the price,

I was thinking about this episode, too.  It's actually the episode that really hooked me into the show.  I watched the first three or four episodes of the show initially and wasn't feeling it, but I decided to give the show another shot during the second season.  This was the episode I caught and it made me go back to

That would have been nice, actually.  Do all five courses and then tally the votes.  The wind really was completely out of the sails when you can check the clock and figure out who won.  Even if they hadn't taken that last commercial break, there would have maybe seemed to be time enough for one more course.

This has been my argument since the song came out.  If you're going to assault my ears with a horrible song, at least use something close to proper grammar.

Matthew died on the way back to his home planet.

It was bacon-boy's time.  The better two chefs are moving on.  It actually kind of worked out for him, since he actually got to go home right after being eliminated seeing as the last chance kitchen was filmed more recently due to the fan favorite voting.

My guess is they have a longer and shorter version of the intro for when they have more they want to put in the actual episode.  Kind of like when the Simpsons go right to the couch.

@avclub-d80ecbbbef6ab40a4e53d1ad2c3fc1b2:disqus NIP was released as a single, according to Wikipedia, on Sept. 13 2011.  I guess they let that one slide.  That, or they ball so hard mu'fuckas wanna award your performance the following year.

I clicked on this review hoping someone made this comment.

It was, and nominated at last years awards.  No Church in the Wild was released as a single March 2012, though: http://en.wikipedia.org/wik…

Confusingly, the Grammy awards that were just handed out yesterday were for releases from October 1, 2011 to September 30, 2012.  So anything released in October, November or December of last year will be considered for the awards one year from now.

“Hold On When You Get Love And Let Go When You Give It” is such a Stars-ass Stars song title.

As to the last bit about the camera being able to read his journal, seeing as that room was designed to be Chase's from the beginning, I feel like they probably made sure that every inch of it could be seen by cameras.  I think the only way it wouldn't be easily read was if he was writing it in bed while laying down,

I love how he was having such a blast following the bullet but then completely abandons it.  There was just the right amount of time between Archer telling Brett to stay put and Malory finding him that I laughed harder at a growing pool of blood than I ever had before.

My music teacher in high school would sometimes play Linus and Lucy on the piano in a minor key.  It was pretty funny (as funny as changing the tonality of a song can be, anyway).

I was baffled by the pick, too.  I thought Kristen would have picked Stefan, because they seem to have a weird friendship.  And I thought for sure Josie was going home.

I've really gotten into Arkham this past year and I have to say, adding expansions seems to actually speed up the game a lot of the time.  You're still looking at probably 3 hours, but rarely as many as 5.  This is mostly because the expansions introduce so many more ways to bone you.

Am I the only one who noticed that the poor gardener with the broken arm was played by the same guy who was Jerry's neighbor he didn't recognize and therefore didn't let into his building on Seinfeld?

But at least it got Apu singing.