Listeria Wayne


And that's why I love him.

Mandy, first grade, 1978.   Totally in love with her from the first day of school through eighth grade when I moved away (and still do, but in a parallel universe 14-year-old Wayne way).   
We knew we were going to have indoor recess because it was really snowing out, so she brought her SIMON game to school.  I didn't

Your best friend met your wife on a dating site?


That episode was terrifying. Robert Culp freaked me right out.

Night Flight provided me an introduction to Kate Bush.  That was a fantastic show.   And as sappy as it sounds, a really good friend to the friendless.

I think she jumped much earlier with True Blue.  Terrible.

Hey, whats-a-matter wid dat?  Its-a not so bad!

General Hospital played the crap out of that song back in the day, when the whole Luke and Laura storyline was going down.

The one that's a medley with Freebird?


Are you the guy from Yowl City?

And Hetfield and Hammett.


Grammar BURN!

Bowie's closing in on 70.

Igor's a good cop!

"He peppered God's Lo Mein"

Well, shoot.  I tried another copy last night.  Same problem.   My player is pretty recent and works fine with everything else.  I'll see if I can make some progress with it.