
I only remember Roger Vadim from Into the Night and I gotta say, he really nailed the part of an arrogant, condescending Frenchman.

Don't forget about Class of '84. McDowell holding a machine gun when he teaches his students is a true classic.

Apparently it got the MYOF-treatment in Rabin's book.

Also, Roman Polanski and Sharon Tate attented the premiere of Incubus and we all know how their lives turned out.

Agreed about LaGuerta, the worst, whiny character in a show full of them. At least, Deb and Rita get more involved with Dexter in their stories. Please let them kill off Laguerta

So it's exactly like Sex and the City 2.

Shane Black should've written the screenplay.

In other words
This seems to be the most ugly, incompetently made gimmick of the year (well, except SATC2) and I'm still gonna watch the shit out of it.

It's zombie Bill Murray, thinking it was a Coen brothers movie.

I like it just fine. This column isn't really about scenes/films you should've seen (like I initially thought), this is a column that brings a lot of other stuff to the table (i.e. this one isn't really about Nicholas Ray's movie, right?).

Yeah, a movie about a theatre author rebuilding his own life starring no real stars was seen by a lot more people than a Tom Cruise-movie.

Vanilla Sky/Abre los ojos
Everybody's comparing this to Matrix or Synecdoche but Inception reminded me the most of Abre los ojos or Vanilla Sky, if you look at Inception from the point of Cillian Murphy's character, you get Vanilla Sky.

Surely Keith Richard is thinking of a riff right now…

Zach 'dumbass' Snyder?

Guess who?
Filming involving elaborate camera movements, split screen and John Lithgow in drag. Do not be alarmed!

It was pretty good!
Scott Tobias' Predators: (you know, the 'fun' version)
Ryan Reynolds: 'What's up, vagina-face?'
Marlon Wayans: 'Why do black people always die first?'

Bob Hoskins
I like the fact that his role in this scene sort of eerily predicts that he'll go on to play Mario years later.

To be fair, Armored was neither solid nor workmanlike, and I thought it was a serious omen that this new Predator-movie wasn't going to be any good. Too bad though, because this was one of my movies to see this summer.

Joe Pesci
Pesci actually had a starring role between this and Gone Fishin', he was in De Niro's The Good Shepherd. But I understand the need to reference the brilliance that is Gone Fishin' was obviously too big.

Time to make a GtG on those other Italian subgenres. Or at least make one about Argento or Bava.