YOLO Swaggins

TACO BELL EXEC: Gentlemen, our produce is moldy because people are only eating our breakfast items and nearly pooping their pants. We're losing money left and right here!
SCRAPPY UPSTART YOUNG WORKER: Sir, Kids These Days seem to like "International Cuisine" AND sandwiches! Perhaps if we rebrand this moldy produce as

Bud Court is sponsored by Budweiser, the King of Beers

Come to think of it there are few things that I would like to see on television more than a show where Bob Loblaw / Saul Goodman are opposing attorneys.


I'll take the over because I'm pretty sure ZodiacMF will never leave the statue unattended.

We didn't get off of work for this? THANKS, OBAMA.

"I have the worst [BLEEP]-ing attorneys…"

I'll take two changaa, please!

This is relevant to my interests!

Which one of you installed cameras in his bathroom?

Early Andrew Jackson Jihad-esque?

[Lineup is nothing but guy / girl duos with acoustic guitars, ukuleles, and floppy hats]

A GOOD LIST (with the exception that it's sorely lacking SLAYER).

I'm sorry Xanderpuss, but you have CancerAIDS.


You know, that is a pretty fun picture.

It's a ton of fun and up there in terms of the best kart racers, I'd say. Plus the track design—with a couple of exceptions—is incredible and that the tracks change throughout the race is so much fun.

Ah, not having anything outside of a PC I always forget about the DS Mario Kart games.

So is it just me or does this seem to borrow a lot from Sonic and All-Stars Racing: Transformed (which is excellent even though it has a stupid name)?

Gah, I wish I had the money to grab that.