YOLO Swaggins

Smash Mouth - All Star
Smash Mouth - I'm a Believer
Smash Mouth - Walkin' on the Sun
Smash Mouth - All Star
Smash Mouth - All Star

Speedy Ortiz is awesome (I like Warpaint, too, but not nearly as much as I like Speedy Ortiz).

In general I prefer cooking steak on the stove if not because I feel like I have a bit more control over how rare the meat stays. Helps that I've been living in apartments for a while and only now have a porch, but I can only use a gas grill on it.

I'm a weirdo that has a really hard time listening to anything BUT albums. I don't like shuffle much because it breaks up the flow of the album (hence why I never participate in the shuffle thread!).

SeriousEats has had a big thing on pinwheel flank steak lately and I want to make them so bad, so I probably will this weekend.

What albums are you listening to lately thread

"Ten year long headache."

So once you're inside an economic system you can't criticize it? Got it.

I can't say I'm surprised that Jamie did something weird like that!

Those are two of my favorite things! It speaks to me!

It's Rolling Stone. Their musical tastes haven't evolved since the sixties.

Neither did Kinect, which is somewhat surprising because seeing things is its sole job outside of being totally useless.

Yep, I play video games to avoid being physical. Anything that tries to get me to move is cruisin' for a bruisin'. After I'm done playing video games, of course.

Would it be wrong to call my beer belly an ab? Just one ab. I'm trying to make it seem like I do more physical activities than I actually do.


Well, the new Swans album is fantastic if you want some decidedly not-fun music!

Become an astronaut, ya jabroni!

She makes some really good and strange music. Not going to be an assault on your ears like Xiu Xiu, but still unnerving.

And why haven't they done "Springtime for Hitler" yet?

Let's be honest, the list was shown to be a complete and utter joke the second that they decided that Smash Mouth's smash hit "All Star" didn't deserve to be number one.