YOLO Swaggins

Because he's a good musician (if you're into punk / garage rock) and a smart, funny guy?

I'm really jealous! I've been meaning to pick up his books for a while because he's awesome and I love his essays.

Right, which is why I think it's a bit of a disservice to sort of drop it with such a tiny introduction. Like, when he was chosen to be Sassiest Boy In America, he was actually 22 and entered the contest against the rules, which is hilarious. The contest was to find "the perfect boyfriend material" in a magazine for

Right, I mean, Svenonius isn't exactly a big name by any stretch and I think the reaction here is kind of a victim of timing due to the anti-vaxxer last week, but, come on, anything that opens with "I have empathy for Castro because he's a Leo" is pretty obviously a joke.

I posted it upthread. He's been doing this schtick for a long, long time.

Alright, gonna hijack this a bit because this whole comments section needs to be replaced with a big THATSTHEJOKE.JPG.


It's really pretty surprising how much whoosh-ing is going on in these comments. My guess is most people haven't heard / read much of his stuff.

Reddit is Bad and Dumb.

Needle issue sounds about right to me, but I can't say I've ever had that kind of issue before .

Why would I need to see a movie about that when I could see some movies that make that happen?

It's probably a brainfreeze.

So…the Mad Men game is basically Max Payne but with booze instead of pills?

I've got a MP3 copy of it, but no wax copy yet. On my "hope to find and ultimately resort to discogs" list.

Jeez, if they really wanted to go big they should have gotten the Sexiest Elbows in Rock—Jason Narducy—or at least Jon Wurster.

Tom Goes to the Mayor is a good show.

The White Sox are doing better than expected considering they have a garbage bullpen outside of Sale!

You gotta loosen up a bit and stop worrying, dude. See a therapist if needed, but you really gotta calm down.

Sounds awful!

Somebody actually read the TI??