
Rowan - Don't be Aaron Sorkin.

Aside from all of the "adults" in It's Complication, Krasinski is the only other actor who stood out. The rest of the "kids" were wallpaper.


You shut your dirty mouth about Jeremy. He stays.

Plus, wouldn't have Aidan keyed into the fact that she was a vampire last episode (unless she was turned in between last week and this one)?

Is it wrong that, so long as I must suffer Aaron Kelly on my TV screen, I want him to whip out a performance of "Please Don't Go Girl" by New Kids on the Block? Yes, I know. I will go stand in the corner now.

She has diabetes. She was taken to the hospital for complications, but they indicate that she'll be fine tonight to sing.

I think the question, Lol!!, is should you really have the audacity to criticize anyone else's post while using "lol" not only as your identifier but also three times in one sentence like a thirteen year old girl? The answer would be no.